
Privacy is exceptionally important to us. Please first read our terms of service to ensure you have a full understanding of what we mean by 'Service', 'Your Content' and 'Us'.
At all times you own your Content. At any time you may request all your content be deleted from the Service and we will comply. No other users will be able to view your Content unless explicitly enabled by you.
We will not share your Content with anyone, except those that you have explicitly allowed - at any point it will be your choice to revoke that access to your Content.
The only personal information we store against your user is a single identifying code so that we know which Content is yours, and let only you access that Content, and your email address. That identifying code is generated from the username or email address with which you log into the Service. We store your email address so that we know how to contact you if we need to. We do not store your name or try to track any other details about you.
If you use our browser extensions and make use of the highlighter to mark certain parts of a webpage then we will store that text to enable us to identify what you have marked and show it to you in the future.
We will track how you use our system and then aggregate that in a non personally identifiable way to better understand how our users use our Service and how we can make it better. This information is not shared with anyone else.